Idyllic and Intimate Resort

on the Sunshine Coast


Tonteldoos "Tinder Box"

Category: TheQuarterMaster Survival Gear

Tonteldoos "Tinder Box" A Tonteldoos (pronouced: taun ' til ' dooos) also known as a "tinder box" is a historic tool in common use in Voortrekker (Pioneer) society before the creation of friction matches. This portable metal box is used to house and keep tinder dry. This includes charcloth, hemp or other materials ready to take a spark. Attached to the box is a round forged piece of high carbon steel that can be use to strike against a flint to land a spark in the tinder. Once the tinder is glowing red use it to light a pile of tinder that has been previously collected. Due to the unavailability of Flint in South Africa, it has been replaced with Quartz which also allows the Carbon Striker to Spark. As with all equipment, Practice will hone your skill. Patience is required! Hand-Made in South Africa.

The Quarter Master
+27 11 477 7031
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