Idyllic and Intimate Resort

on the Sunshine Coast

Rendezvous Caravan Park - Featured Resort

Category: Resort News | Author: Rendezvous Caravan Park |  Date posted:  | Reach: 379002   1921

Rendezvous Caravan Park - Cintsa, Wildcoast
Camp & Live Featured Resort

Situated on the edge of the beautiful Cintsa Bay, a stone’s throw from the beach; Set up with every stand between the beautiful trees to provide your privacy. 29 Stands have individual and private braai facilities, electricity, ablution and outdoor washing facilities. Rendezvous caravan park offers the following facilities to friends and guests: Use of resort facilities such as communal laundry, pool, entertainment area, jumping mat and playground. The vast beach offers young and old a tidal pool, incredible beaches, rock pools and fantastic fishing opportunities.

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Rendezvous Caravan Park
+27 78 700 3089
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